Since its inception in 2006, IMC has successfully partnered with aspiring individuals to tap into and enhance the leader within. Our clients represent a diverse range of employers, employees, executives, corporate teams and business owners; as well as individuals, professionals, students and young adults−both in and outside the US. We are an organization committed to leadership development and executive coaching for adults and youth through one-on-one coaching engagements; leadership development programs; behavioral assessments; online courses; and other award-winning resources. Feel free to learn more about IMC, our work, our coaching approach and other service offerings at
Hi, I’m Tamara Raymond
Founder & President, Innovative Management Consulting, Inc.
As a certified leadership coach and career strategist, I have been committed for over 15 years to professional, career and leadership development for adults and emerging leaders; as well as guidance for teens in determining their career paths.
What sets my approach apart is that I truly consider the individual in every way: Meaning that every one of the coaching programs and services we offer is completely tailor-made and customized to your unique strengths and what motivates you to succeed. Even the products allow you to individualize them for yourself. In short, we address YOUR needs, YOUR goals… YOUR development.